Sermon Series

About This Series
The Corinthians Church is many times described as Paul’s problem-congregation. There were surely things happening in this congregation that can and should be frowned upon! More than that, it should be condemned! A man sleeping with his mother-in-law, and no one speaking up about it? People getting drunk at the communion table? Confessing Christians still making use of the pagan temple prostitutes? Ugly fights between people based on who they prefer as their preacher? These are some of the things Paul addresses in this letter. The way he goes about it should however grab our attention as well as our hearts! He still calls this wayward congregation, “sanctified saints” (1 Corinthians 1:2). He insists that they have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). He reminds them that they belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 3:22). Paul understands that a lot of the challenges they faced was because of the power of the Gospel, entering a pagan, rebellious culture and slowly turning it upside down. He also knows that the way to kill the remaining rebellion in their hearts was not through the law but through the wonderful GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. God is forming them into a Church with a GOSPEL CULTURE, that will push out the worldly culture slowly but surely. We have a lot to gain from studying this glorious, challenging, hope-instilling letter to the Corinthians!
Sermon Series

About This Series
The Corinthians Church is many times described as Paul’s problem-congregation. There were surely things happening in this congregation that can and should be frowned upon! More than that, it should be condemned! A man sleeping with his mother-in-law, and no one speaking up about it? People getting drunk at the communion table? Confessing Christians still making use of the pagan temple prostitutes? Ugly fights between people based on who they prefer as their preacher? These are some of the things Paul addresses in this letter. The way he goes about it should however grab our attention as well as our hearts! He still calls this wayward congregation, “sanctified saints” (1 Corinthians 1:2). He insists that they have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). He reminds them that they belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 3:22). Paul understands that a lot of the challenges they faced was because of the power of the Gospel, entering a pagan, rebellious culture and slowly turning it upside down. He also knows that the way to kill the remaining rebellion in their hearts was not through the law but through the wonderful GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. God is forming them into a Church with a GOSPEL CULTURE, that will push out the worldly culture slowly but surely. We have a lot to gain from studying this glorious, challenging, hope-instilling letter to the Corinthians!