Cross Culture Church
Cross Culture Church
Cross Culture Church
The First Letter to the Corinthians
The Corinthians Church is many times described as Paul’s problem-congregation. There were surely things happening in this congregation that can and should be frowned upon! More than that, it should be condemned! A man sleeping with his mother-in-law, and no one speaking up about it? People getting drunk at the communion table? Confessing Christians still making use of the pagan temple prostitutes? Ugly fights between people based on who they prefer as their preacher? These are some of the things Paul addresses in this letter. The way he goes about it should however grab our attention as well as our hearts! He still calls this wayward congregation, “sanctified saints” (1 Corinthians 1:2). He insists that they have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). He reminds them that they belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 3:22). Paul understands that a lot of the challenges they faced was because of the power of the Gospel, entering a pagan, rebellious culture and slowly turning it upside down. He also knows that the way to kill the remaining rebellion in their hearts was not through the law but through the wonderful GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. God is forming them into a Church with a GOSPEL CULTURE, that will push out the worldly culture slowly but surely. We have a lot to gain from studying this glorious, challenging, hope-instilling letter to the Corinthians! Visit Series Page
Freedom’s Mirror – A Study of the 10 Commandments
Do you get excited and filled with joy when you think of the Ten Commandments, of God’s Law? For many people in our day and age, the very idea of moral absolutes that you must adhere to is unthinkable. Many Christians know about God’s Law, but it feels like something that holds them back from the real joy this world has to offer. This series will challenge every Christian who thinks this way. It will also challenge sceptics who think God’s Law is outdated. Rather, those who have ears to hear what the Spirit wants to say will discover God’s Law to be Freedom’s Mirror, enabling us to be who we were designed to be! You will be able to say with the Psalmist: “I long for your salvation, O LORD, and your law is my delight.” (Psalm 119:174) Visit Series Page
Know the Plan – Live the Plan
How must I live in South Africa considering all the uncertainty, challenges, and chaos? God has answered this question and you might ask where? In His Word and specifically, the book we will be studying Ephesians. God’s plan is to unite all things in Jesus. Visit Series Page
Contending for the Reasonable Faith
The Christian faith is not something we can mould to our liking so that it fits the culture we find ourselves in. No, our faith was handed down by the Apostles and prophets. Jude writes in his letter in Chapter 3: “3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” In this series, we are contending for a biblical framework, a worldview, presented to us by Scripture on very basic things like gender, sexuality, family, and the relationship between church and state amongst other things. Visit Series Page
Against the Flow (Colossians)
You do not become a Christian by following some rules in the Bible, or even by following Jesus. You become a Christian by being grafted into Christ and having Him come to dwell in you through his Spirit. This happens through faith in his life, death, and resurrection and this places you at odds with the world. It turns you against the flow. This is hard, yet glorious because it’s not done in your own strength but in HIS power! Visit Series Page
Spirit Filled Witnesses
We co-host a yearly missions-week / weekend with Gereformeerde Kerk Randburg. The aim of this week / weekend is to be equipped form God’s word to be a family of servants on mission to make disciples of all nations as we are living our lives in Randburg Johannesburg. Visit Series Page
The Discipleship Gospel
Discipleship is about following in the footsteps of Jesus, growing in grace, and learning to obey everything Jesus taught. Join us for 8 signposts to help you gauge where you are at in this journey. Visit Series Page
Knowing Jesus (Philippians)
In this heartfelt letter of Paul to a congregation he really loved, he summarises his life’s mission, and it’s not about evangelism, planting churches, seeing churches grow . . . no, he came to the realisation, the deep revelations that real everlasting life is about KNOWING CHRIST. Here are his own words: “8 Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ . . . 10 that I may know him.” (Philippians 3). How and why did Paul come to this conclusion and what was the impact it had on him, and what is the impact this can have on us if we follow Paul in this? Come and find out! Visit Series Page
Revelations (Revelation)
Join us for a short series on some of the core chapters in the Revelation John received from Jesus. May you be encouraged by the heart of this book namely that at the end JESUS WINS! Visit Series Page
Knowing God
Here’s JI Pacer’s famous quote: “Knowing God is a relationship calculated to thrill a man’s heart.” Grace abounds in the idea that the God of all creation wants to be known intimately by us, mortals and sinners. Join us as we discover some of the great things God reveals about himself from his Word. Visit Series Page
Things I wish I knew before I got married! (Ephesians 5)
Most of us enter marriage very naïve, with unrealistic expectations. This series from Paul’s famous passage on Marriage in Ephesians 5 is meant to bring us back to God’s idea and plan with and for marriage. It will hopefully break down unrealistic expectations and bring a much deeper and more hopeful excitement about this wonderful institution. Visit Series Page
Confessional Living
This is an ongoing series that we keep adding to as we think through our reformed confessions. Visit Series Page
Hope Shatters the Silence
This is exactly what the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ brings: Hope that chatters the silence! God was silent for 400 years before he spoke the greatest message of HOPE through his Son’s birth. Join us as we explore the first chapters of Luke and partake in this message of Hope! Visit Series Page
Family of Servants on a Mission
Our regular preaching is aimed at expounding Scripture in light of the promise that God’s Word will never return empty but will accomplish His purpose (Isaiah 51:11). We trust the Holy Spirit to reveal God to us in all his glorious holiness, goodness and gospel grace and change us into his likeness so that we can be equipped for every good work. In our specific situation this good works to which we have been called is summarised in our calling: To be a God the Fathers local Church family of cross centred servants of Jesus Christ on mission with the Holy Spirit to make disciples of all nations! Visit Series Page
Living by faith in confusing times (Habakkuk)
In this short roller-coaster of a prophetic book, our Covenant-God speaks powerfully, reveals himself as a God who listens patiently, and finally as a God who acts decisively so that we as his people, can live by faith in confusing times. Visit Series Page
How to be God’s family of hope-filled, holy servants in a dark word (1 Peter)
Knowing who you are and knowing your true identity makes all the difference when the going gets tough. Paul reminds us of who we were and who we have become in Christ: “9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession . . . 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2) He does this so that we can live into calling to . . . “9proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” (1 Peter 2) Visit Series Page
I’m holding out for a Hero
We prepare for Christmas by following the promises of God to send the ultimate Hero, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Join us for this eye-opening journey through the Old Testament. Visit Series Page
Lionhearted Hope (Daniel)
“32 And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets— 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the power of fire.” These are the words of the writers of Hebrews (Hebrews 11) encouraging us to look to these heroes of our faith and to follow in their footsteps. Join us in the book of Daniel to discover how ordinary people become faith heroes through the power of the Gospel of the ultimate Hero, Jesus Christ. Visit Series Page
Easter Reflections
Most people think of Easter as a great time to get away for some rest. How about entering the real REST that comes through the sufferings and unrest Jesus suffered at the first Easter Weekend? Visit Series Page
The book of Judges (Judges)
What happens when everyone does what is good in their own eyes? This book in the bible paints the picture of a world where people forget who God is and live any way they want to. It also tells us about a God who keeps intervening and saving us from ourselves. Come and journey with us to see our deep need for the ultimate Judge, to come and put a final end to evil. Visit Series Page
Covid-19 Series
A couple of sermons helping us to reflect on pandemics from God’s perspective. Visit Series Page
The Gospel of Jona (Jona)
What keeps us from responding to God’s call to go and share the good news? In this prophetic book, we are taken on a journey in which God uncovers Jona’s reluctance until the deepest corners of his heart are uncovered, and this becomes a mirror in which we see ourselves in our selfishness and God in his relentless grace for rebellious sinners. Visit Series Page
The full armour of God (Ephesians 6)
Join us for this exposition of one of the famous passages on spiritual warfare. Visit Series Page
From ruin to redemption (Ruth)
This is one of the most beautiful redemption stories in Scripture. We see how easily sin ruins our lives but how our gracious God pursues us to bring glorious, unexpectant and undeserved redemption and restoration. Visit Series Page
Our beliefs
We are rooted firmly in the reformed tradition and are therefore committed to the following historical confessions:
Our beliefs
We are rooted firmly in the reformed tradition and are therefore committed to the following historical confessions: